Vi kan äntligen avtäcka vad vi jobbat hårt med under hela våren, ett samarbete med Giant Bomb. CBS Interactive som äger spelsidan Giant Bomb har under en längre tid haft sina ögon på Svampriket inför deras planer att etablera sig i Sverige. Kontakt skedde under vintern och idag kan vi avtäcka att Svampriket kommer driva Giant Bombs sverigefilial under det nya namnet BombRiket. En övergång kommer successivt ske fram till tredje kvartalet 2013. Mer information kommer under de närmaste veckorna. Officiellt pressmeddelande nedan.

CBS Interactive and Giant Bomb partners with Svampriket AB to publish BombRiket Sweden

SAN FRANSISCO; April 1, 2013 – CBS Interactive today announces a new partnership with leading games media group, Svampriket AB to publish BombRiket Sweden (

BombRiket will be under the day-to-day control of Svampriket, with games media veteran Samson Wiklund at the helm as Editor-in-Chief. The site will mix bespoke Swedish language editorial, podcast and video content with localised editorial from Giant Bomb’s English language teams in the US.

As one of Sweden’s largest online games media groups, Svampriket was founded in 2010. The regionalised Giant Bomb will complement its respected portfolio, including the community-powered podcast Skitsnack; Svamppod Fyrkant, the award winning multi-format podcast and Fred and Tom, a gaming series for males aged 12-14.

Giant Bomb is the world’s most popular games and entertainment network [source: comScore; Jan 2013]. The new BombRiket Sweden partnership will see the site grow its regional focus and local audience share.

Frans Jaeger, International VP & Managing Director, CBS Interactive states:

”Having experienced our best ever year in terms of readers and revenue, we’re excited to be partnering with the respected team at Svampriket to develop BombRiket Sweden.”

”Our strategy of teaming up with expert regional publishers allows us to build the Giant Bomb brand internationally, connecting with new groups of gamers in their own language. Our partnerships in Europe are just the beginning of plans for expansion in 2013.”

Fredrik Lundblad, CEO of Svampriket AB, added:

”Giant Bomb is a veritable goldmine for all types of gamers. It offers a depth, knowledge base and accessibility that no other videogame website in the world can match. It is no coincidence that Giant Bomb has been the market leader for more than 5 years. For Swedish gamers, as well as the local industry, the partnership between CBS Interactive and Svampriket will result in an unprecedented source of information, adapted and curated for our thriving territory.”

BombRiket Sweden is online now at

Uppdatering: *April April*